


扩展叙事为学生介绍实验性和抽象形式的电影制作. 学生将学习使用数字成像软件进行图像处理, 并将探索动画的基本形式, 个人电影制作, 文字和图像, 还有视频诗歌. 重点放在技术熟练的主题为基础的沟通在电影. 在本课程期间, students will: collaborate with other students in a film project; communicate theme and mood through form; communicate theme and mood through image; communicate theme and mood through sound design; develop sound design skills; experiment with non-narrative forms; develop proficiency with editing software; use cinematic and aesthetic tools to communicate tone and mood; develop critical skills through group workshop and critique; and propose and create four finished pieces.
